Introduction 45
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 6 • DAX
The digital cross-connect (DAX) link allows configuration of the access servers’ digital cross-connect that man-
ages the time slots and clocking between the WAN ports.
The access server uses a single clock source for all WAN ports. Therefore, to avoid data loss caused by variations
in network timing, each access server should terminate WAN connections from a single timing provider. WAN
connections from multiple timing providers can be terminated in the access server if all the providers source
their timing from the same stratum clock or if the access server provides the network clock.
Click on
under the
Configuration Menu
to display the
main window (see figure 20).
Figure 20. DAX main window
Configuring the DAX
There are three variables to select when configuring the DAX circuit:
• Circuit Type—Defines the overall clocking scheme for the entire access server (refer to “Circuit Type (dax-
• Main Reference—Determines which WAN link supplies the clock for the system (refer to “Main Reference
(daxClockMainRef)” on page 46)
• Fallback Reference—Enables the configuration of a back-up clock reference should the Main Reference fail
(refer to
“Fallback Reference (daxClockFallbackRef)” on page 46)
Circuit Type (daxClockMode)
Defines the overall clocking scheme for the entire access server. For each circuit a selection must be made as to
the overall clocking scheme of the entire system. If your system has only one circuit displayed, then that circuit
must be set to Master.
The following settings are available:
• master(1)—The master device is responsible for providing the master system clock in synchronization with
one of its references. If your access server has only one circuit, then this setting must be Master.
• secondary(2)—The secondary circuit provides the master system clock if the master circuit fails.
• slave(3)—Slave devices provide the system clock references for use by the master or secondary.