Connect Copy (Option)
ADF Orig. Ejection
<F/F4>Size Setting
Basic Page 2
System Reset —
Interrupt mode on the sub-
unit will be cleared by this
Function Priority — — When the time set in “Auto
Reset Timer” of the User
Tools on the master unit pass-
es and Connect Copy is can-
celed, and then the time set in
“System Reset” of the User
Tools (System Settings) pass-
es, it returns to the function
defined by the “Function Pri-
ority” of the User Tools (Sys-
tem Settings) setting.
Copy/Document Server:
Output Tray
Staple initialization — —
Set Time
Set Date
Set Time
Weekly Timer:Monday to
— The function is disabled on
the sub-unit in Connect Copy
mode. When Connect Copy is
exited, the power will be
switched off at the time speci-
fied by the timer.
Key Operator Code for Off
Paper Size Setting
Paper Tray Priority
Tray 1:Paper Size Setting
We recommend that the mas-
ter unit and sub-unit have the
same paper tray settings. This
is because only paper trays
with the same size, direction,
and type of paper can be used
in Connect Copy mode.
Tray 2:Paper Size Setting
Tray 3:Paper Size Setting
Menu Master
Sub-unit Remarks