Projector Unit
What to do If Something Goes Wrong
7. If lines appear on the copy.
❐ Perform the shading operation again.
❐ Some possible causes are:
1. A long time has passed since shading.
2. Many copies were made since shading and the mirror unit has moved due to copier operation.
3. Someone might have leaned on the machine or put something on it.
❐ If copying from negative film, thin black lines might-appear on the lighter part of the copy, even after shading.
8. Black lines appear on the edge.
❐ These lines are shadows caused by the film holder and cannot be eliminated.
9. If a ring pattern appears on the copy.
❐ The ring pattern is present on the film itself, and the machine is sensitive enough to pick it up. Try to change the film
setting direction. Adjusting the focusing lever so that the image is slightly out of focus will eliminate most of the
❐ Also, try the following:
• Open and close the film cover.
• Slide the film in the holder a bit.
• Turn the film around in the holder. (Do not flip it over.)