58 TRX AC Drives
Drive and Motor Configuration Parameters
© 2000–2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
DC Current Injection
This parameter allows the drive to inject DC current into the stator, creating a stationary magnetic pole
which brakes the rotor at the end of each stop command when the frequency drops below 0.1 Hz.
This feature is useful when a coasting motor is undesirable at the end of the deceleration ramp. The
factory setting is for this feature is “enabled”. The time of DC current injection is adjustable from 0 to 30
seconds, with a factory setting of 0.5 seconds. A continuous setting is also available. If the continuous
setting is selected, the drive controller brakes at the nominal current rating of the drive for 30 seconds,
and then continuously at 50% of rated current. The level of current is adjustable from 10% to 136% of
the drive controller’s constant torque current rating.
Drive and motor configuration parameters can be viewed and modified only when the access locking
switch on the keypad display is in the total unlock position (see page 24). These parameters can be
modified only when the motor is stopped.
Input Frequency
The controller is equipped with a two-position switch, which is used to select 50 or 60 Hz input frequency.
Nominal Motor Voltage
This parameter is used to enter the nominal motor voltage given on the motor nameplate.
The factory setting is 230 Vac with a range of 200 to 240 Vac for the ATV58•M2 models. For the
ATV58•N4 models, when the input frequency switch is set to 60 Hz, the factory setting is 460 Vac with
a range of 200 to 500 Vac; when the switch is set to 50 Hz, the nominal motor voltage defaults to
400 Vac with a range of 200 to 500 Vac.
Nominal Motor Frequency
This parameter is used to enter the nominal motor frequency given on the motor nameplate. The factory
setting is 60 Hz when the input frequency switch is set to 60 Hz. When the switch is set to 50 Hz, the
nominal motor frequency defaults to 50 Hz. The range is 10 to 500 Hz. The nominal motor frequency
setting defines the frequency at which nominal motor voltage is applied to the motor. The parameter
cannot be set above the maximum output frequency setting.
Nominal Motor Current
This parameter is used to enter the nominal motor current given on the motor nameplate. The factory
setting is 90% of the drive controller’s constant torque current rating. The range for this parameter is
25% to 136% of the constant torque current rating.
Nominal Motor Speed (rpm)
This parameter is used to enter the nominal motor speed (rpm) given on the motor nameplate. The
factory setting depends on the drive controller setting. The range for this parameter is 0 to 9999. This
value should correspond to the full load RPM (that is, this value should incorporate slip).
60 120
Voltage profile =
60 Hz
Voltage profile =
120 Hz
Nom-Mot-Freq (catalog).eps