Schneider Electric 58 TRX Computer Drive User Manual

58 TRX AC Drives
Communication Parameters
© 2000–2003 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
or 16#5FE8/1B
DP8 Past fault no. 8 Same format as DP1 (W462 or 16#5FE8/13)
or 16#5FE8/1C
EP8 Status during past fault no. 8 Same format as EP1 (W463 or 16#5FE8/14)
Monitoring Registers (Continued)
Word Code Units Description Possible Values or Range
or 16#5FE8/1D
IOLR State of logic I/O Bit 0 = State of logic input LI1 (active at 1)
Bit 1 = State of logic input LI2 (active at 1)
Bit 2 = State of logic input LI3 (active at 1)
Bit 3 = State of logic input LI4 (active at 1)
Bit 4 = State of logic input LI5 (active at 1)
Bit 5 = State of logic input LI6 (active at 1)
Bits 6 and 7: Reserved
Bit 8 = State of relay R1 (active at 1)
Bit 9 = State of relay R2 (active at 1)
Write authorized if R2 = No (not assigned)
Bit 10 = State of logic output LO (active at 1)
Write authorized if LO = No (not assigned)
Bit 11 = State of red fault LED (active at 1)
Bit 12 = State of precharge relay (active at 1)
Bit 13 = State of dynamic brake transistor (active at 1)
Bits 14 and 15: Reserved
or 16#5FE8/1E
AI1R 0.001 V State of analog input AI1 (actual
size calibrated and scaled)
Value read
or 16#5FE8/1F
AI2R 0.002 mA State of analog input AI2 (actual
size calibrated and scaled)
Value read
0 to 10000 = 0 to 20 mA
or 16#5FE8/20
AI3R 0.001 V
Voltage of analog input AI3 or
number of pulses on encoder
input, depending on type of
I/O card
–10000 to +10000 (for VW3A58201U option card)
–32768 to 32767 (for VW3A58202U option card)
or 16#5FE8/21
AOR 0.002 mA Image of analog output AO Write authorized if AO = No (not assigned) and option card is other than
analog or digital I/O option
0 to 10000 = 0 to 20 mA
Read only if assigned: Value read
or 16#5FE8/22
DF1 Register of active faults no. 1
(no fault if bits = 0)
Used only in manufacturing test.
Do not use.
Bit 0 = 1: Incorrect calibration constants (INF)
Bit 1 = 1: Unknown drive controller rating (INF)
Bit 2 = 1: Unknown or incompatible option (INF)
Bit 3 = 1: HD (ASIC) initialization incorrect (INF)
Bit 4 = 1: EEPROM control board fault (EEF)
Bit 5 = 1: EEPROM power board fault (EEF)
Bit 6 = 1: Incorrect configuration (CFF)
Bit 7 = 1: Invalid configuration (CFI)
Bit 8 = 1: Standard communication link fault (SLF)
Bit 9 = 1: Fast communication link fault (ILF)
Bit 10 = 1: Fast communication network fault (CNF)
Bit 11 = 1: External fault via standard serial link (EPF)
Bit 12 = 1: External fault via fast serial link (EPF)
Bit 13 = 1: Motor short circuit fault (SCF)
Bit 14 = 1: Precharge relay closure too long (CRF)
Bit 15 = 1: Precharge relay command cut-off (CRF)
or 16#5FE8/23
DF2 Register of active faults no. 2 (no
fault if bits = 0)
Used only in manufacturing test.
Do not use.
Bit 0 = 1: Speed feedback loss fault (SPF)
Bit 1 = 1: Overspeed with speed feedback (SOF)
Bit 2 = 1: Ramp not followed with speed feedback (ANF)
Bit 3 = 1: Overcurrent fault (prolonged ICL) (OCF)
Bit 4 = 1: Loss of follower (4–20 mA) fault (LFF)
Bit 5 = 1: Thermal sensor fault (TSF)
Bit 6 = 1: Motor overheating fault (thermal sensor) (OTF)
Bit 7 = 1: Drive controller overheating fault (OHF)
Bit 8 = 1: Motor overload fault (OLF)
Bit 9 = 1: Fast communication time-out fault (CNF)
Bit 10 = 1: DC bus overvoltage fault (OBF)
Bit 11 = 1: Input supply overvoltage fault (OSF)
Bit 12 = 1: Motor phase loss fault (OPF)
Bit 13 = 1: Input supply phase loss fault (PHF)
Bit 14 = 1: Input supply undervoltage fault (USF)
Bit 15 = 1: Control board power supply fault (INF)
or 16#5FE8/24
PPN Number of motor pole pairs Value read
or 16#5FE8/25
CUS I/O reassigned
(Macro-configuration = CUS)
0 = No
1 = Yes
or 16#5FE8/26
OTR 1%
Motor torque Value read
100% corresponds to nominal motor torque
or 16#5FE8/27
FRO 0.1 Hz Ramp output (signed) Value read
Monitoring Registers (Continued)
Word Code Description Possible Values or Range