SR2MAN01 11/2007 45
Entering a Link
This section describes the procedures for performing the following operations:
z Entering links between elements,
z Deleting links between elements,
z Replacing a link with a contact.
Entering a Link Links are entered exclusively using the round flashing cursor.
Entry procedure:
Note: Accessible only in LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode.
Step Action
1 Place the flashing cursor at the required location.
The navigation keys can be used move the cursor in the direction of the arrows on the
navigation keys .
2 Press the Shift key to display the contextual menu.
3 Trace connections by simultaneously pressing the Shift key and the navigation keys:
Shift and → to trace a connection to the position of the next contact or to the coil at
the end of the line.
Shift and ↑↓ to trace perpendicular connections to the previous or next line.
Release the Shift key to have access to the navigation keys: .
5 Repeat the operation as many times as necessary to link the elements together
according to your requirements.
Menu / OK