LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007
Discrete (DISCR) Outputs
Description Discrete Outputs correspond to the smart relay output relay coils (connected to the
actuators). These outputs are numbered from 1 to 9, then from A to G, according to
the smart relay and any extensions.
Any Discrete output can be used, in the program, indifferently either as a coil or a contact.
Use as a Coil To use a Discrete output as a coil, four modes are available:
z Contactor mode,
z Impulse relay mode,
z Latch mode,
z Unlatch mode.
Contactor mode:
Symbol of a Discrete output, used as a coil in contactor mode:
The coil is energized if the contacts to which it is connected are conducting.
Otherwise it is not energized.
Impulse relay mode:
Symbol of a Discrete output, used as a coil in impulse relay mode:
Pulse energization, the coil changes state on each pulse it receives.
Switching a lamp on and off with a pushbutton:
A push button is connected to input I1 and a lamp to output Q1. Every time the button
is pressed, the lamp switches on or off.
[ Q-
i1 Q1