Star Micronics NX-15 Printer User Manual

Now when you run the program the first page looks just like
before, but line 80 sends one more (VT) than there are tabs.
This doesn’t confuse the printer it advances the paper to the
next tab position, which happens to be the first tab position on
the next page.
There’s a one-time vertical tab command that works just like
the one-time horizontal tab command. Try this program to see
how these commands work.
10 ~~~~ of p]”i
I-it })(-).S it. i(Jrl::i
NT * 1st Lin~.<,1st fl) Imm”
CHR$(27) : “fl ;CHR$(3) ;
4(”IL.PRINT * 4t:h Linch, 1st Co1urrrn”
50 LPRIW CHR$(27 ) ; fO;CHR$(7) ;
Ml LPE!lNT “* 5th Line, 7th CoIl]mri”
70 LPRINTCHR$(27) ; “fl” ;CHli$(3 ) ;
80 LPRINTCHR$(27) ; “f(j” ;(;HR$(5) ;
90 LPRINT * i3t.h Lirle, C<lll.]m]l”
100 tnul
In this program, line 30 sends a one-time vertical tab with
(ESC) “f’ 1 command. Line 50 sends a one-time horizontal tab
with {ESC) “f” O command. Finally, line 70 and line 80 send
one-time vertical tab and one-time horizontal tab, so the line 90
prints text at the specified position.