12. SNMP Traps
SNMP is an acronym for "Simple Network Management Protocol". The SNMP Trap
function allows the AFS-16 to send Alarm Notification messages to two different SNMP
managers, each time one of the Alarms discussed in Section 7 is triggered.
• TheSNMPfeaturecannotbeconfiguredviatheSNMPManager.
• SNMPreadingabilityislimitedtotheSystemGroup.
• TheSNMPfeatureincludestheabilitytobepolledbyanSNMPManager.
• OnceSNMPTrapParametershavebeendefined,SNMPTrapswillbesent
12.1. Configuration:
To configure the SNMP Trap function, proceed as follows:
1. Access command mode using an account that permits access to Administrator
level commands.
2. SNMPTrapParameters: Access the SNMP Trap Parameters Menu as described in
Section 5.9.7. Set the following:
a) SNMPManagers1and2: The address(es) that will receive SNMP Traps
that are generated by one of the Alarms discussed in Section 7. Consult
your network administrator to determine the IP address(es) for the SNMP
Manager(s), then use the Network Parameters menu to set the IP address
for each SNMP Manager. Note that it is not necessary to define both SNMP
b) TrapCommunity: Consult your network administrator, and then use the
Network Parameters menus to set the Trap Community.
Once SNMP Trap Parameters have been defined, the AFS-16 will send an SNMP Trap
each time an alarm is triggered.