Chapter 7 - SCSISelect Configuration Utility
Each SCSI device on the SCSI bus, including the SCSI controller, must be set to a
unique SCSI ID. The SCSI ID serves two purposes: it uniquely identifies each SCSI
device on the bus, and it determines the device's priority on the bus during the
Arbitration phase. The Arbitration phase determines which device controls the
bus when two or more devices request use of it.
Use the cursor (
↑ ↓) and Enter keys to select the SCSI ID, if you need to change it.
Press Esc at any time to return to the previous menu.
SCSI Parity Checking
Select this option to enable or disable SCSI Parity Checking on the SCSI controller.
Figure 7-4 displays your choices. The default setting is Enabled.
Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, <Esc> to exit ( =default)
Adaptec AIC7880 Ultra/Ultra W SCSISelect (TM) Utility v1.2
AIC-7880 Ultra/Ultra W at Bus:Device 00:10h
SCSI Bus Interface Definitions
Host Adapter SCSI ID...................................7
SCSI Parity Checking....................................Enabled
Host Adapter SCSI Termination....................Low OFF/High ON
Additional Options
Boot Device Options......................................Press <Enter>
SCSI Device Configuration............................Press <Enter>
Advanced Configuration Options...................Press <Enter>
<F6> - Reset to Host Adapter Defaults
Figure 7-4 SCSI Parity Checking Selection