Appendix B - SCSI Backplane Boards B-3
B.3 Jumper Settings
The backplane has two jumpers, J3 and J4, that allow you to select the terminator
power source and to set drive IDs. J4 supports the three upper drive slots (slots
0, 1, and 2) on the backplane. J3 supports the four lower drive slots (slots 3, 4, 5,
and 6).
Figures B-2 and B-3 show the settings for jumpers J3 and J4.
Terminator power comes
from the SCSI cable
Terminator power comes
rom the backplane
Figure B-2 Jumper J3 Settings
Hard disk ID3 setting
See Section B.4
Terminator power comes
from the SCSI Cable
Terminator power comes
from the backplane
Figure B-3 Jumper J4 Settings