ASC Components
The primary components of the ASC Storage Network are the ASC Server,
ASC Console, ASC SAN Clients and the ASC NAS Clients.
These components all sit on the same network segment, the
storage network
ASC Server
The ASC Server is a dedicated network storage server. The ASC Server is
attached to the physical SCSI and/or Fibre Channel storage devices on one or
more SCSI or Fibre Channel busses.
The job of the ASC Server is to communicate data requests between the clients
and the logical (SAN and NAS) resources (logically mapped storage devices on
the storage network) via Fibre Channel or IP.
ASC Management Console
The ASC Management Console is the administration tool for the ASC storage
network. It is a Java application that can be used on a variety of platforms and
allows ASC administrators to create, configure, manage, and monitor the
storage resources and services on the ASC storage network.
ASC SAN Clients
ASC SAN Clients are the actual file and application servers. Acer calls them ASC
SAN Clients because they utilize the storage resources via the ASC Server.
There are two types of SAN Clients, SAN/IP and iSCSI and you can have both on
your storage network.
These SAN Clients access their storage resources via software-emulated virtual
adapters for SAN/IP. The storage resources appear as locally attached devices
to the SAN Clients’ operating systems (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Linux, etc.)
even though the SCSI devices are actually located at the ASC Server.
ASC NAS Clients
NAS Clients are the Windows/Unix users and groups that access data and
storage (if authorized) on the storage network via standard operating system
network mapping protocols.
Do not confuse ASC NAS clients with a NAS server.
NAS Clients are Users and Groups and not phys cal server o NAS appliancesi r !
Acer Altos® NAS 700 Solution Guide