7 Using four 6-by-2 test connectors, four BNC Couplers, and four SMA (m) - BNC (f)
Adapters, connect the logic analyzer to the pulse generator channel outputs. To
make the test connectors, see chapter 3, "Testing Performance."
a Connect the even-numbered channels of the lower byte of the pod under test to the
pulse generator channel 1 Output and J-clock.
b Connect the odd-numbered channels of the lower byte of the pod under test to the
pulse generator channel 1
c Connect the even-numbered channels of the upper byte of the pod under test and the
clock channel to the pulse generator channel 2 Output.
d Connect the odd-numbered channels of the upper byte of the pod under test to the
pulse generator channel 2
On the logic analyzer, press Run. The display should look similar to the figure below.
9 If the display looks like the figure, then the cable passed the test.
If the display does not look similar to the figure, then there is a possible problem
with the cable or probe tip assembly. Causes for cable test failures include the
open channel.
channel shorted to a neighboring channel.
channel shorted to either ground or a supply voltage.
Return to the troubleshooting flowchart.
To test the logic analyzer probe cables