3 Set up the oscilloscope.
Oscilloscope Setup
Time Base Display Delta V Delta T
Time/Div: 1.00 ns/div avg V markers on T markers on
# of avg: 16 marker 1 position: Chan 1 start on: Pos Edge 1
screen: dual marker 2 position: Chan 1 stop on: Neg Edge 1
Channel 1 Channel 2
on on
Probe Atten
20.00 20.00
−1.3 V −1.3 V
400 mV 400 mV
Set up the logic analyzer
1 Set up the Configuration menu.
a Press the Config key.
b Assign all pods to Machine 1. To assign pods, select the pod fields, then select
Machine 1.
c In the Analyzer 1 box, select the Type field, then select State.
Testing Performance
To test the multiple-clock, multiple-edge, state acquisition