
Check the setup/hold with single clock edges, multiple clocks
1 Select the logic analyzer setup/hold time.
a In the logic analyzer Format menu, select Master Clock.
b Select and activate any two clock edges.
c Select the Setup/Hold field and select the setup/hold to be tested for all pods. The first
time through this test, use the top combination in the following table.
Setup/Hold Combinations
4.5/0.0 ns
0.0/4.5 ns
2.0/2.5 ns
d Select Done to exit the setup/hold combinations.
Disable the pulse generator channel 2 COMP (with the LED off).
3 Using the Delay mode of the pulse generator channel 1, position the pulses
according to the setup time of the setup/hold combination selected, +0.0 ps or 100
a In the oscilloscope Delta V menu, set the Marker 1 Position to Chan 1, then set
Marker 1 at 1.3000 V. Set the Marker 2 Position to Chan 2, then set Marker 2 at
1.3000 V.
b In the oscilloscope Delta T menu, select Start on Pos Edge 1. Select Stop on Pos
Edge 1.
Testing Performance
To test the multiple-clock, multiple-edge, state acquisition