ARM R4F Computer Hardware User Manual

System Control Coprocessor
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 4-64
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c15, nVAL Reset Enable Set Register
The nVAL Reset Enable Set Register enables any of the PMC Registers, PMC0-PMC2, and
CCNT, to generate a reset request on overflow. If enabled, the reset request is signaled by
nVALRESET being asserted LOW.
The nVAL Reset Enable Set Register is:
A read/write register.
Always accessible in Privileged mode. The USEREN Register determines access, see c9,
User Enable Register on page 6-15.
Figure 4-46 shows the bit arrangement for the nVAL Reset Enable Set Register.
Figure 4-46 nVAL Reset Enable Set Register format
Table 4-44 shows how the bit values correspond with the nVAL Reset Enable Set Register.
To access the nVAL Reset Enable Set Register, read or write CP15 with:
MRC p15, 0, <Rd>, c15, c1, 2 ; Read nVAL Reset Enable Set Register
MCR p15, 0, <Rd>, c15, c1, 2 ; Write nVAL Reset Enable Set Register
On reads, this register returns the current setting. On writes, reset requests can be enabled. If a
reset request has been enabled, it is disabled by writing to the nVAL Reset Enable Clear
Register. See c15, nVAL Reset Enable Clear Register on page 4-67.
If one or more of the reset request fields (P2, P1, P0, and C) is enabled, and the corresponding
counter overflows, then a reset request is indicated by nVALRESET being asserted LOW. This
signal can be passed to a system reset controller.
c15, nVAL Debug Request Enable Set Register
The Debug Request Enable Set Register enables any of the PMC Registers, PMC0-PMC2, and
CCNT, to generate a debug request on overflow. If enabled, the debug request is signaled by
VALEDBGRQ being asserted HIGH.
31 3210
Performance monitor counter
overflow reset request enables
Cycle count overflow reset request enable
Table 4-44 nVAL Reset Enable Set Register bit functions
Bits Field Function
[31] C CCNT overflow reset request
[30:3] Reserved UNP or SBZP
[2] P2 PMC2 overflow reset request
[1] P1 PMC1 overflow reset request
[0] P0 PMC0 overflow reset request