AC Characteristics
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 15-3
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15.2 Processor timing parameters
This section describes the input and output port timing parameters for the processor.
The maximum timing parameter or constraint delay for each processor signal applied to the SoC
is given as a percentage in Table 15-1 to Table 15-17 on page 15-11. The input and output delay
columns provide the maximum and minimum time as a percentage of the processor clock cycle
given to the SoC for that signal.
This section describes:
• Input port timing parameters
• Output ports timing parameters on page 15-8.
15.2.1 Input port timing parameters
Table 15-1 shows the timing parameters for the miscellaneous input ports.
Table 15-2 shows the timing parameters for the configuration input port.
Table 15-1 Miscellaneous input ports timing parameters:
Input delay
Input delay
Signal name
Clock uncertainty 10% nRESET
Clock uncertainty 10% nSYSPORESET
Clock uncertainty 10% PRESETDBGn
Clock uncertainty 50% nCPUHALT
Clock uncertainty 20% DBGNOCLKSTOP
Table 15-2 Configuration input port timing parameters
Input delay
Input delay
Signal name
Clock uncertainty 20% VINITHI
Clock uncertainty 20% CFGEE
Clock uncertainty 20% CFGIE
Clock uncertainty 20% INITRAMA
Clock uncertainty 20% INITRAMB
Clock uncertainty 20% LOCZRAMA
Clock uncertainty 20% TEINIT
Clock uncertainty 20% CFGNMFI
Clock uncertainty 20% CFGATCMSZ[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 20% CFGBTCMSZ[3:0]
Clock uncertainty 20% PARECCENRAM[2:0]
Clock uncertainty 20% ERRENRAM[2:0]