ARM R4F Computer Hardware User Manual

Level Two Interface
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 9-5
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9.2.4 Eviction buffer
As soon as a linefill is requested, the selected evicted cache line is loaded into the EViction
Buffer (EVB). The EVB forwards this information to the AXI bus when possible.
The EVB has a structure of 256 bits for data and 32 bits for the address. See Cache line
write-back (eviction) on page 9-13 for details of the AXI transaction generated.
The EVB is removed if cache RAMs are not implemented for the processor.
9.2.5 Memory attributes
The Cortex-R4 AXI master interface uses the ARCACHEM, AWCACHEM, ARUSERM,
and AW US ER M signals to indicate the memory attributes of the transfer, as returned by the
MPU. Table 9-2 Shows the encodings used for the signals ARCACHEM and AWCACHEM
of the master interface. These are generated from the memory type and outer region attributes.
Table 9-3 shows the encodings the master interface uses for the ARUSERM and AW USER M
signals. These are generated from the memory type and inner region attributes.
Table 9-2 ARCACHEM and AWCACHEM encodings
a. All encodings not shown in the table are reserved.
b0000 Strongly Ordered
b0001 Device
b0011 Non-cacheable
b0110 Cacheable, write-through, allocate on reads only
b0111 Cacheable, write-back, allocate on reads only
b1111 Cacheable write-back, allocate on reads and writes
Table 9-3 ARUSERM and AWUSERM encodings
a. All encodings not shown in the table are reserved.
b00001 Strongly Ordered
b00010 Device, Non-shared
b00011 Device, shared
b00110 Non-cacheable, Non-shared
b00111 Non-cacheable, shared
b01100 Cacheable, write-through, read-allocate only, Non-shared
b01101 Cacheable, write-through, read-allocate only, shared
b11110 Cacheable, write-back, read- and write-allocate, Non-shared
b11111 Cacheable, write-back, read- and write-allocate, shared