Memory Protection Unit
ARM DDI 0363E Copyright © 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 7-9
ID013010 Non-Confidential, Unrestricted Access
7.3 Region attributes
Each region has a number of attributes associated with it. These control how a memory access
is performed when the processor accesses an address that falls within a given region. The
attributes are:
• Memory type, see Memory types on page 7-7, one of:
— Strongly Ordered
— Normal
• Shared or Non-shared
• Non-cacheable
• Write-through cacheable
• Write-back cacheable
• Read allocation
• Write allocation.
The Region Access Control Registers use five bits to encode the memory region type. These are
the TEX)[2:0], C and B bits. Table 7-3 shows the mapping of these bits to memory region
In earlier versions of the architecture, the TEX, C, and B bits were known as the Type Extension,
Cacheable and Bufferable bits. These names no longer adequately describe the function of the
B, C, and TEX bits.
All memory attributes which are Cacheable, write-back or write-through, are also implicitly
read-allocate. Table 7-3 shows which attributes are write-allocate.
In addition, the Region Access Control Registers contain the shared bit, S. This bit only applies
to Normal memory, and determines whether the memory region is Shared (1) or Non-shared (0).
Table 7-3 TEX[2:0], C, and B encodings
TEX[2:0] C B Description Memory Type Shareable?
000 0 0 Strongly-ordered. Strongly-ordered Shareable
000 0 1 Shareable Device. Device Shareable
000 1 0 Outer and Inner write-through, no write-allocate. Normal
S bit
000 1 1 Outer and Inner write-back, no write-allocate. Normal
S bit
001 0 0 Outer and Inner Non-cacheable. Normal
S bit
001 0 1 Reserved. - -
001 1 0
001 1 1 Outer and Inner write-back, write-allocate. Normal
S bit
010 0 0 Non-shareable Device. Device Non-shareable
010 0 1 Reserved. - -