4-12 Avaya Wireless AP-3 User’s Guide
Default TTL (Time to Live): Time to Live (TTL) is a field in an IP packet
that specifies how long in seconds the packet can remain active on the
network. The Access Point uses the default TTL for packets it generates
for which the transport layer protocol does not specify a TTL value. This
parameter supports a range from 0 to 65535. By default, TTL is 64.
DHCP Server
If your network does not have a DHCP Server, you can configure the AP
as a DHCP server to assign dynamic IP addresses to Ethernet nodes and
wireless clients.
Make sure there are no other DHCP servers on the network and do not
enable the DHCP server without checking with your network administrator
first, as it could bring down the whole network. Also, the AP must be con-
figured with a static IP address before enabling this feature.
When the DHCP Server functionality is enabled, you can create one or
more IP address pools from which to assign addresses to network