Other Network Settings
A-60 Avaya Wireless AP-3 User’s Guide
Configure RADIUS Accounting server
[Device Name]>set radacctbl <index> status <enable> seraddrfmt
<ipaddr or name> ipaddr <RADIUS IP address or name> port <user
defined> ssecret <user defined> responsetm <1 to 4 seconds>
maxretx <1 to 10 times>
[Device Name]>show radacctbl
Figure A-19. Results of “show radacctbl” CLI command
Set VLAN/SSID Parameters
For Dual-radio APs: APs with an 11a Upgrade Kit or 802.11b/g Kit
support up to 16 VLAN/SSID pairs. APs with an 802.11b PC Card or
a 5 GHz Upgrade Kit support only one VLAN/SSID per radio.