Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
82 Avaya X330WAN User’s Guide
High BER/Major
Definition: High threshold Bit Error Rating (BER). This alarm is the result of an
average error rate of 1 bit per 1000 for 10 seconds. The alarm severity is
Indication: The alarm is indicated using the
show controllers command from the
CLI. For more information, refer to "Monitoring Traffic" on page 79.
Corrective Actions:
• Check the physical integrity of the E1/T1 line.
• If regenerators are used, check the integrity of the regenerators.
• Use loopbacks to help pinpoint the cause of the alarm condition. For
information on using loopbacks, refer to "Using Loopbacks" on page 83.
Note: After clearing the condition causing the High BER/Major alarm, the module
continues to indicate a High BER/Major condition for approximately
11 seconds.
Definition: Remote Alarm Indication, caused by the remote Rx line being down.
The alarm severity is Major.
Indication: The alarm is indicated when the ALM LED lights or by using the
command from the CLI. For more information, refer to
"Monitoring Traffic" on page 79.
Corrective Action:
• Check your configuration (for example, framing) to verify that it matches the
configuration of the remote end.
Definition: Alarm Indication Signal. The remote module is not sending data,
probably due to an interface shutdown or a rebooting module. The
alarm severity is Major.
Indication: The alarm is indicated when the ALM LED lights or by using the
command from the CLI. For more information, refer to
"Monitoring Traffic" on page 79.