Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
20 Avaya X330WAN User’s Guide
Configuring Loopback Interfaces
All CLI commands mentioned in this section are described in Chapter 6: X330WAN
CLI Commands.
To configure Loopback interfaces:
1 Enter the Interface Loopback mode using the
interface Loopback [<interface number>[.ip-interface]] command.
For example: typing
interface loopback 1 enters a context for configuring
the Loopback1 interface parameters.
The prompt changes to
where N is the switch number and n is the Loopback interface number.
2Use the
ip address <ip address> <mask> command to assign an IP address
and subnet mask to the interface.
exit to return to Supervisor mode.
The prompt returns to
Note: The first IP interface created in the X330WAN automatically becomes the PMI
(Primary Management Interface), described in detail on page 34. It is recommended
to configure the Loopback interface as the first Layer 2 interface and to configure an
IP interface on it. After the PMI is configured, the following message appears:
The primary management interface has changed.
For this change to take effect, you need to copy running-config
startup-config and then reset the device.
Enter the copy running-config startup-config and reset commands at this
Configuring Fast Ethernet Interfaces
All CLI commands mentioned in this section are described in Chapter 6: X330WAN
CLI Commands.
To configure Fast Ethernet interfaces:
interface FastEthernet 1 to enter the Interface Configuration mode.
The prompt changes to
2Use the ip address <ip address> <mask> command to assign an IP address
and subnet mask to the interface.
exit to return to Supervisor mode.
The prompt returns to
Note: The first IP interface created in the X330WAN automatically becomes the
PMI, described in detail on page 34. It is recommended to configure the Loopback
interface as the first Layer 2 interface and to configure an IP interface on it. After the