3. Configuration Wizard
Image 3-12
Current configuration
A small overview gives :
• Device setup
• Resolution per screen
To get a more complete overview, click on show more in the header of the current setup pane.
Image 3-13
Detailed current configuration
3.3.5 Digitizer output selection
How to select
1. Click on the drop down box in the Digitizer output pane. (image 3-14)
2. Select the appropriate value.
When the analog output of the ViewScape device is connected to the analog input of
the projector.
When the DVI out of the ViewScape device is connected to a DVI input of the projector.
The icon next to the value will change accordingly.
3. Make your choice between manual Refresh-rate set up an Lock to input.
Manually select the vertical refresh rate between 50Hz and 60Hz by clicking on the
drop down box.
Lock to
Select an input of the master ViewScape on which the output must be locked.
Image 3-14
Projector input selection
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