3. Configuration Wizard
How to select
1. If you want to upload everything in the list, just check the checkbox on top of the window next to Update
2. If you want to upload only part of the list, check only the checkbox next to the items you want to upload.
Note: When one item is unchecked, the checkbox on top be uncheck too.
The following items can be updated:
Digitizer output
Set the output to selected output in the wizard
Digitizer mode
Sets the operation mode of the digitizers (master / slave). For Slave,
make also the choice between Resync or Direct.
Digitizer Timings
The output field will be set to the selected resolution in the wizard
Overlap coordinates Virtual coordinates for each screen are set by taking in account the
overlap coordinates
Status Windows Sets the mode and visibility of each window
Soft edge settings Set to default values
Lock mode settings
Set lock mode status
3. Click Next>> to update.
A log window will be displayed in w
hich you can follow the process. (image 3-28)
Image 3-28
Update log window
3.3.12 Output check
When soft edge or Scenergix is available on the projectors, disable this function as edge
blending will be done by the digitizers. Consult the projector’s user guide to find out
how to disable this function.
What will be done?
A multiburst pattern (pixel on - pixel off) will be sent to the projector to check the image quality.
How to proceed for digital output
1. Check the che
ckbox Activate multiburst pattern to check the output projectors. (image 3-29)
2. Click on Next>> to activate the pattern.
A log window wi
ll be displayed in which you can follow the process. (image 3-30)
3. Visually check the test pattern on the screen. It should look like the test pattern on the test page.
(image 3-31)
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004