3. Configuration Wizard
Image 3-19
RS232 communication settings
Parameter values
Adjust the parameter values to suit the serial RS232 communication values between the local PC and
Default values will already be filled in.
Communication port Change the Communication port to the serial port as used for connecting
the PC to the Digitizer.
Read only value. Set up on 19200.
Read only value. Set to 8.
Parity Read only value. Parity is set to none. No parity check is used.
Stopbits Read only value. Stopbits is set to 1.
Status This setting is very important as it indicates as to whether the software
commands have effect on the system being talked to by the ViewScape
Toolset software. When online all commands are sent and acted on, when
off-line all commands are not sent to the system devices.
When the Status is set to ’off-line’, during some adjustments in system configuration a message will appear
to ask
Image 3-20
Offline message
To go online, click on OK. To stay offline, click Cancel.
To finish the Communication settings:
• When the values are entered, click on
to update any changes made
• Click on
to exit without updating any changes and leaving the existing values unchanged.
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004