8. Configuration Manager
8.5 Loading a Configuration
To load
To load a configuration, handle as follow:
1. Select the configuration in the list with the mouse.
2. Click on
(image 8-10)
Note: If this configuration is loaded for a non compatible configuration (e.g. device removed) the indi-
cation not compatible will be added next to the device. This device will be not selectable.
The Update Config page will be displayed with the name of the loaded configuration and a description.
In this page you can make your update selection choice. (image 8-11)
3. Make your update selection choice by checking the selection boxes.
The following choices are possible :
- Digitizer settings
- Input settings
4. To apply the loaded settings, click the Apply button.
During the update, logging information is viewable in the Log Info View window. On completion, a
confirmation page is viewable.
5. Click upon the text to return to the Config manager page.
Image 8-10
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