Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-108 Revised March, 2012
4) Spiral2 motion parameter settings:
Figure 3.144
Center_X item: Spiral center point's X-coordinate, API function's argument variable
Center_Y item: Spiral center point's Y-coordinate, API function's argument variable
StrVel item: Starting velocity. API function's argument variable “StrVel”.
MaxVel item: Maximum velocity. API function's argument variable “MaxVel”.
Acc. item: Time required to reach maximum velocity. API function's argument
variable “acc”.
Dec item: Time required to go from maximum velocity to 0. API function's argument
variable “dec”
Dir item: Direction of spiral motion: 0: clockwise; 1: counterclockwise. API function's
argument variable “Dir”.
Cir_Num item: Number of Spiral circles. API function's argument variable
End_X item: Spiral endpoint's X-coordinate, API function's argument variable
End_Y item: Spiral endpoint's Y-coordinate, API function's argument variable
“End _Y”.