Chapter 40 Linear and Arc Interpolation Motion Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
40-4 Revised March, 2012
40.2 _DMC_01_start_rline_xyz
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_start_rline_xyz (U16 CardNo, U16* NodeID, U16* SlotID,
I32 pos1_x, I32 pos1_y, I32pos1_z, I32 pos2_x, I32 pos2_y, pos2_z, U16 mode,
F64 param, I32 StrVel, I32 MaxVel, F64 Tacc, F64 Tdec,U16 m_curve, U16 m_r_a)
3-axis linear, arc R-angle interpolation motion control
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo U16 Number Unit CardNo is between 0~15
NodeID U16* Number Unit Node ID
SlotID U16* Number Unit Slot ID
Pos1_x I32 Number Unit X-coordinate of first position
Pos1_y I32 Number Unit Y-coordinate of first position
Pos1_z I32 Number Unit Z-coordinate of first position
Pos2_x I32 Number Unit X-coordinate of second position
Pos2_y I32 Number Unit Y-coordinate of second position
Pos2_z I32
Pulses per
Z-coordinate of second position
Mode U16 Selection
0: Perpendicular distance from arc to right angle
1: Perpendicular distance from start of arc to
right angle (AB)
2: Arc radius (AB)
Param F64 Number Unit Relative mode distance
StrVel I32
Pulses per
Starting velocity
MaxVel I32
Pulses per
Maximum velocity
Tacc F64 Second Specified acceleration time
Tdec F64 Second Specified deceleration time
m_curve U16 Selection
1: T-curve
2: S-curve
m_r_a U16 Selection
0: Relative motion displacement
1: Absolute motion displacement