Chapter 41 Speed Continue API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
41-4 Revised March, 2012
Mode is 1
Assume conditions are set to Dist is 1000, MaxVel is 20000, Tacc and Tdec are both 0.1.
The above conditions mean the MaxVel of 20000 is impossible to reach during this Dist
movement using the original acceleration/deceleration time. So when mode is 1, Tac and Tdec
will stay as 0.1 but MaxVel is automatically reduced. Fig. 41.2 shows the original path in black
and the actual path in red.
Figure 41.2
Mode is 2
Assume conditions are set to Dist is 1000, MaxVel is 20000, Tacc and Tdec are both 0.1.
The above conditions mean the MaxVel of 20000 is impossible to reach during this Dist
movement using the original acceleration/deceleration time. When mode is 2, MaxVel will
remain unchanged but Tacc and Tdec will vary as required. Fig. 41.3 shows the original path
in black and the actual path in red.
Figure 41.3
U16 CardNo=0, U16 NodeID=1, U16 SlotID=0;
U16 mode=1;
I16 status = _DMC_01_speed_continue_mode (CardNo, NodeID, SlotID, mode);