Appendix D How to Use PLC Function|
D-30 Revision June 2008, 04EE, SW--PW V1.11/CTL V2.11
D.5.6 Rising-edge/falling-edge Output Commands
Commands Function Operands
PLS Rising-edge output Y, M
PLF Falling-edge output Y, M
D.5.7 End Command
Command Function Operands
END Program end none
D.5.8 Explanation for the Commands
Mnemonic Function
LD Load A contact
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M159 T0~15 C0~C7 D0~D29
9 9 9 9 9
The LD command is used on the A contact that has its start from the left BUS or the A contact that is
the start of a contact circuit. Function of the command is to save present contents, and at the same
time, save the acquired contact status into the accumulative register.
Program Example:
Ladder diagram
Command code
LD X0 Load contact A of X0
AND X1 Connect to contact A of X1
in series
X0 X1
OUT Y1 Drive Y1 coil
Mnemonic Function
LDI Load B contact
X0~X17 Y0~Y17 M0~M159 T0~15 C0~C7 D0~D29
9 9 9 9 9