1 Introduction
90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
1 - 1
This software manual describes step by step how to operate successfully with the ½ 19"
and 19" MLT analyzer module and analyzer of the NGA 2000 Series from .
Chapter two shows the structure of the software menus. Chapter three describes the
display and the keyboard of the analyzer. Chapter four describes the basic controls with
detailed illustrations. So you can easily compare the actual display of the analyzer module
with the illustrations of the manual.
Chapter five describes the expert controls and chapter six describes the technical level
configuration. The layout of both chapters is not as detailed as in chapter four. Normally,
the way to a certain software menu is described with the software catchwords, you have to
press to reach this menu. You will find the illustration of the corresponding LCD screen at
the end of the catchword listing. After that you can read the meaning of the functions and
variables of each expert or technical level menu.
Some contents of the expert controls are not important for every customer. It depends on
the configuration of your NGA 2000 system, relative to the following components:
♦ Control Module CM
♦ Analyzer Module AM
♦ Input/Output Modules I/O's (SIO, DIO)
You can distinguish the following system units and SIO/DIO configurations:
System Unit SIO/DIO-Configuration Corresponding Chapter
CLD analyzer module (AM):
• without front panel i.e.
without control unit
• can be combined with a
platform or an MLT analyzer
⇒ Local I/O's are not existing
∗ ⁄⁄
Platform (CM software):
• Control unit with front panel
• without measurement
⇒ 1 SIO and up to 4 DIO's
can be installed in the
⇒ SIO and DIO can be
configured for all channels
combined with the platform
∗ chapter 5.2
p. 29 to 44
MLT analyzer
(CM and MLT AM software):
• Analyzer with front panel
• CM and AM software in the
same analyzer,
i.e. all functions of the control
unit and of the AM are united
in the same implement
⇒ 1 SIO and 1 DIO can be
installed in the MLT
⇒ SIO and DIO can be con-
figured for all channels
combined with the MLT
∗ chapter 5.2
p. 29 to 44
The configuration of other analyzer modules like MLT modules is described in their own manuals !