Honeywell HX2 Personal Computer User Manual

Option Function
Auto Reconnect
This option is Enabled (checked) by default. This option controls the overall mobile Bluetooth
device reconnect behavior.
l When Auto Reconnect is disabled (unchecked), Auto Reconnect on Boot is
automatically disabled and dimmed.
l When Auto Reconnect is disabled (unchecked), no devices are reconnected in any
situation. The status of Auto Reconnect on Boot is ignored and no devices are
reconnected on boot. The status of Clear Pairing Table on Boot controls whether the
pairing table is populated on boot.
l When Auto Reconnect is enabled (checked) and Auto Reconnect on Boot is disabled
(unchecked), devices are not reconnected on boot, but are reconnected in other
situations (example: return from out-of-range).
l When Auto Reconnect is enabled (checked) and Clear Pairing Table on Boot is enabled
(checked), devices are not reconnected on boot, but are reconnected in other situations
(example: return from out-of-range). The pairing table is cleared on boot. The status of
Auto Reconnect on Boot is ignored and the option is automatically disabled (unchecked)
and dimmed.