
HX2-3 Options
Start > Settings > Control Panel > HX2-3 Options
Set options such as IP V6, time sync, touch screen enable and CapsLock. Also set Status Popup taskbar icon display options
for the Admin and User.
It may be necessary to warmboot the HX2 after making desired changes A pop up window indicates if a warmboot is required.
Note: Contact Technical Assistance for upgrade details if there is no icon corresponding to this item in the Controlī€ƒPanel.
Options on this tab configure communication options for the HX2.
Enable TCP/IP Version 6
By default, IPv6 is disabled on the HX2. Click this checkbox to enable IPv6.
Allow Remote Desktop Autologon
By default, Remote Desktop Autologon is disabled. Click this checkbox to enable Remote Desktop Autologon.
Note: The .RDP file must be saved in the \System folder. When prompted, use the Save As button to save the .RDP file is
the \System folder. If the .RDP file is saved in the default root folder location, the .RDP file will not persist across a
Autolaunch TimeSync
By default, TimeSync does not automatically run on the HX2. To enable TimeSync to run automatically on the HX2, click this
Synchronize with a Local Time Server
By default, GrabTime synchronizes via an Internet connection. To synchronize with a local time server: