
Chapter 7
Viewing or Selecting Values
Field values can be viewed from a number of places in the system, including the Expression
Builder, data audit reports, and when editing future values in a Time Intervals node. Note that
data must be fully instantiated in a source or Type node to use this feature, so that storage, types,
and values are known.
Figure 7-9
Fields list with values shown for selected field
E To view values for a eld from the Expression Builder or a Time Intervals node, select the required
eld and click the value picker button to open a dialog box listing values for the selected eld.
You can the n select a value and click Insert to paste the value into the current expression or list.
Figure 7-10
Value picker button
For ag and nominal elds, all dened values are listed. For continuous (numeric range) elds,
the minimum and maximum valu es are displayed.