Chapter 5
Figure 5-2
Stream created by double-clicking nodes from the palettes
To Connect Nodes Using the Middle Mouse Button
On the stream canvas, you can click and drag from one node to another using the middle mouse
button. (If your mouse does not have a middle button, you can simulate this by pressing the Alt
key while dragging with the mouse from one node to another.)
Figure 5-3
Using the middle mouse button to connect nodes
To Manually Connect Nodes
If you do not have a middle mouse button and prefer to manually connect nodes, you can use the
pop-up menu for a node to connect it to another node alre ady on the canvas.
E Right-click the node fr om which you want to start the connection. Doing so op ens the no de menu.
E On the menu, click Connect.
E A connec tion icon is displayed both on the start node and the cursor. Click a second node on
the canvas to connect the two nodes.
Figure 5-4
Connecting nodes using the Connect option from the pop-up menu