Accessibility in IBM SPSS Modeler
Overview of Accessibility in IBM SPSS Modeler
This re lease offers greatly enhanced accessibility for all users, as we ll as specific support for users
with visual and other functional impairments. This section describes the features and methods of
working using accessibility enhancements, such as screen readers and keyboard shortcuts.
Types of Accessibility Support
Whether you have a visual impairment or are dependent on the keyboard for manipulation, there is
a wide variety of alternative methods for using this data mining toolkit. For example, you can
build streams, specify options, and read output, all without using the m ouse. Available keyboard
shortcuts are listed in the topics that follow. Additio nally, IBM® SPSS ® M odeler provides
extensive support for screen rea der s, such as JAWS for Windows. You can also optimize the color
scheme to provide additional contrast. These types of support are discussed in the following topics.
Accessibility for the Visually Impaired
There are a num ber of properties you can specify in IBM® SPSS® Modeler that will enhance
your ability to use th e software.
Display Options
You can select colors f or the display of graphs. You can also choose to use your spec ific Windows
settings for the software itself. This may help to increase visual contrast.
E To set display options, on the Tools menu, click User Options
E Click the Display tab. The options on this tab include the software color scheme, chart c olors, and
font sizes for nodes .
Use of Sounds for Notification
By turning on or off sounds, you can control the way you are alerted to particular operations in the
software. For example, you can activate sounds for events such as node creation and deletion
or the generation of new output or models.
E To set notification options, on the Tools menu, click User Options.
E Click the Notifications tab.
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