keyboard shortcuts, 242
listing all in a stream, 84
on nodes and streams, 78
comparison fun
ctions, 135
concatenating strings, 135
conditions, 111
server cluster, 16
to IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
Repository, 161–162
to IBM SPSS Modeler Server, 13–14, 16
conventions, 133
conversion functions, 135
Coordinator of Processes, 16
COP, 16
copy, 21
cos function, 139
cosh function, 139
count_equal function, 115, 135
count_greater_t han function, 115, 135
count_less_than function, 115, 135
count_non_nulls function, 135
count_not_equal function, 115, 135
count_nulls function, 102, 115, 135
count_substring function, 141
CRISP-DM, 20, 200
projects view, 201
CRISP-DM proces
s mod el , 32
currency display format, 59
custom palette creation, 225
subpalette creation, 227
cut, 21
preview, 52
data audit node
use in exploration, 29
Data Audit node
use in data mining, 31
data mapping tool, 91–92
data mining, 29
application examples, 40
strategy, 32
data streams
building, 41
data types, 110
in parameters, 70
functions, 120
date formats, 58, 129–130
date functions, 129–130
date_before, 135, 146
date_days_difference, 146
date_in_days, 146
date_in_months, 146
date_in_weeks, 146
date_in_years, 146
date_mont hs_difference, 146
date_weeks_difference, 146
date_years_difference, 146
@TODAY functio
n, 146
date_before function, 135
date/time values, 114
converting, 150
manipulating, 150
datetime functions
datetime_date, 146
datetime_day, 146
datetime_day_name, 146
datetime_day_short_name, 146
datetime_hour, 146
datetime_i n_se
conds, 146
datetime_minute, 146
datetime_month, 146
datetime_month_name, 146
datetime_month_short_name, 146
datetime_now datetime_ second, 146
datetime_t i me, 146
datetime_t i mest amp, 146
datetime_w eekday , 146
datetime_year, 146
datetime_date function, 135
decimal places
display formats,
decimal symbol
number display formats, 56
decision trees
accessibility, 246
project phase, 201
measurements unit s, 60
deploying scenarios, 185
deployment, 160
deployment options
scenarios, 185
deployment type, 185
dictionary file, 245
DIFF function, 152
@DIFF function, 150, 152
default, 216
disable nodes , 46, 48
display formats
currency, 59
decimal places, 59
grouping symbol, 59
numbers, 59
scientific, 59
Distinct node
performance, 234
distribution functions, 139