Chapter 3
This sequence of operations is known as a data stream because the data flows record by record
from the sourc
e through each manipulation and, finally, to the destination—either a model or
type of data output.
Figure 3-5
A simple stream
IBM SPSS Modeler Stream Canvas
The stream canvas is the largest area of the IBM® SPSS® Modele r window and is where y ou will
build and man ipulate data streams.
Streams are created by drawing diagrams of data operations relevant t
o your bus iness on th e
main canvas in the interface. Each operation is represented by an icon or node, and the nodes are
linked together in a stream representing the flow of data through each operation.
You can work with multiple streams at one time in SPSS Modeler, either i
n the same stream
canvas or by opening a new stream canvas . During a ses sion, streams are stored in the Streams
manager, at the upper right of the SPSS Modeler window.
Nodes Palette
Most of the data and modeling tools in I B M® SPSS® Modeler reside in the Nodes Palette, across
the bottom of the window below the stream canvas.
For example , the Recor d Ops palette tab contains nodes that you can use to perform operations
on the data records, such as selecting, merging, and appending.
To add nodes to the canvas, double-click icons from the Nodes Pa lette or drag and drop them
onto the canvas. You then connect them to create a stream, representing the flow of data.
Figure 3-6
Record Ops tab on the nodes palette
Each palette tab contains a collection of related no des used for different phases of stream
operations, such as:
Nodes bring data into SPSS Modeler.
Record Ops.
Nodes perform operations on data records, such as selecting, merging, and
appendi ng.