
Chapter 5
Show annotation as comment.
(For stream and SuperN ode annotat ions only) Check this box
to convert the
annotation to a freestanding comment that will be visible on the stream canvas.
For more information, see the topic Adding Comment s and Annotations to Nodes and Streams
on p. 78.
Displays a unique ID that can be used to reference the node for the purpose of scripting or
automation. This value is automatically generated when the node is created and will not change.
Also no te that to avoid confu sion with th e letter “O”, zeros are not used in node IDs. Use the copy
button at the right to copy and paste the ID into scripts or elsew her e as needed.
Saving Data Streams
After you have created a stream, you can save it f or future reuse.
To Save a Stream
E On the File menu, click Save Stream or Save Stream As.
E In the Save dialog box, browse to the folder in which you wan t to save the stre am le.
E Enter a name for the stream in the File Name text box.
E Select Add to project if you would li ke to add the saved stream to the current project.
Clicking Save stores the stream with the extension *.str in the specied directory.
Automatic backup files.
Each time a stream is saved, the previously saved version of the le
is automatically preserved as a backup , with a hyphen appended to the lename (for example
mystream.str-). To restore the bac ked-up version, simply delete the hyphen and reopen the le.
Saving States
In a ddition to streams, you can save states, which include the currently displayed stream dia gram
and a ny model nuggets that you have c r eated (listed on the Models tab in the m anagers pane).
To Save a State
E On the File menu, click:
State > Save State or Save State As
E In the Save dialog box, br ows e to the f older in which you want to save the state le.
Clicking Save stores the state with the extension *.cst in the specied directory.
Saving Nodes
You can also save an individ ual node by right-click ing the node on the stream canvas and clicking
Save Node on the pop-up menu. Use the le extension *.nod.