
Building Streams
A runnable node that processes stream data is known as a terminal node. A modeling or
output node is
a terminal node if it is located at the end o f a stream or stream branch. You cannot
connec t further nodes to a terminal node.
Note: You can customize the Nodes palette. For more information, see the topic Customizing
the Nodes Palette in Chapter 12 on p. 223.
Adding Nodes to a Stream
There are several ways to add nodes to a stream from the nodes palette:
Doub le-click a node on the palette. Note: Double-clicking a node automatically connects it
to the current stream. For more information , see the topic Connecting Nodes in a Stream
on p. 43.
Drag and drop a node from the palette to the stream canvas.
Click a node on the palette, and then click the s tream canvas.
Select an appropriat e option from the Insert menu of IBM® SPSS® Modeler.
Once you have added a node to the stream canvas, double-click the node to display its dialog box.
The available options depend on the type of node that you are adding. For information about
specic controls within the dialog box, click its Help button.
Removing Nodes
To remove a node from the data stream, click it and either press th e Delete key, or right-click and
select Delete from the menu.
Connecting Nodes in a Stream
Nodes added to the stream canva s do not form a data stream until they have been connected.
Connections between the nodes indicate the direction of the data as it ows from one operation
to the next. There are a numbe r of ways to conne ct nodes to form a stream: double- clicking ,
using the middle mouse button, or manually.
To Add and Connect Nodes by Double-Clicking
The simplest way to form a stream is to double-c lick no des on the palet te. This method
automatically connects the new no de to the selected node on the stream canvas. For example, if
the canvas contai ns a Database node, you can select this node and then double-click the next node
from the palette, such as a Derive node. This action automatically connects the Derive node to
the existing Database node. You can repeat this process until you have re ached a terminal node,
such as a Histogram or Table node, at which point any new nodes will be conn ected to the last
non-terminal node upstream.