Chapter 5
Some nodes have further displays giving additional information about stream execution. These
are displayed
by selecting the corresponding row in the dialog box. The first row is selected
Working with Models
If a stream includes a modeling node (that is, one from the Modeling or Database Modeling tab
of the nodes palette), a model nugget is created when the stream is r un. A model nugget is a
container for a model, that is, the set of rules, formulas or equations t hat enables you to generate
predictions against your source data, and which lies at the heart of predictive analytic s.
Figure 5-32
Model nugget
When you successfully run a modeling node, a corresponding model nugget is placed on the
stream canvas, whe r e it is re presented by a gold diamond-shaped icon (hence the name “nugget”).
You can open the nugget and browse its contents to view details about the model. To view the
predictions, you attach and run one or more terminal nodes, the output from whi ch prese nts
the predictions in a readable form.
Figure 5-33
Modeling and scoring branches in a stream
A typica l modelin g stream consists of two branches. The modeling branch contains the modeling
node, toget her with the source and processing nodes that precede it. The scoring branch is
created when you run the modeling node, and contains the model nugget and the terminal node or
nodes that you use to view the predictions.
For more information , see the IBM® SPSS® Modeler Modeling Nodes guide.
Adding Comments and Annotations to Nodes and Streams
You may need to describe a stream to others in your organization. To help you do this, you can
attach explanatory comments to streams, nodes and model nuggets.