
IBM SPSS Modeler Overview
Note: You cannot edit a ser ver connection that was added from IBM® SPSS® Collaboration
and Deploymen
t Services, since the name, por t, and other details are den ed in IBM SPSS
Collabor ation and Deplo ym ent Servic es.
Figure 3-3
Server Login
Add/Edit Server dialog box
To Add Server Connections
E On the Tools menu, click Server Login. The Server Login dialog box opens.
E In this dialog box, clic k Add. The Server Login Add/Edit Server dialog box opens.
E Enter the server connection details and click OK to s ave the con nection and return to the Server
Login dialog box.
Specif y an available server or select one from the list. The server computer can be
identied by an alphanumeric name (for example, myserver) or an IP address assigned to the
server compute r (for example, 202.123.456.78).
Give the port number on which the server is listening. If the default does not work, ask
your system administr ator for the correct port number.
Enter an optional description for this server connection.
Ensure secure connection (use SSL).
Species whether an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
connec tion should be used. SSL is a commonly used protocol for securing data sent over a
network. To use this feature, SSL must be enabled on the server hosting IBM® SPSS®
Modeler Server. If necessary, contact your local administrato r for details.
To Edit Server Connections
E On the Tools menu, click Server Login. The Server Login dialog box opens.
E In this dialog box, select the connection you want to edit and then click Edit. The Server Login
Add/Edit Ser ver dialog box opens.
E Change the server connection details and click OK to save the changes and return to the Server
Login dialog box.