
About IBM SPSS Modeler
IBM SPSS Modeler Administration Console User Guide.
Information on installing and using the
console user interface for monitoring and conguring SPSS Modeler Server. The console is
impleme nted a
s a plug-in to the Deployment Manage r application.
IBM SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher Guide.
SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher is an add-on
component that enables organizations to publish streams for use outside of the standard
SPSS Mod eler enviro nment.
IBM SPSS Modeler CRISP-DM Guide.
Step-by-step guide to using the CRISP-D M methodology
for data mining with SP SS Modeler.
eler Batch User’s Guide.
Complete guide to using IBM SPSS Modeler in batch
mode, including details of batch mode execution and command-line arguments . This guide
is available in PDF format only.
SPSS Modeler Premium Documentation
The SPSS Modele r P r emium docu mentation s uite (excluding installatio n instructions) is as
IBM SPSS Modeler Ent
ity Analytics User Guide.
Information on using entity analytics with
SPSS Modeler, covering repository installation and conguration, entity analytics nodes,
and administrative tasks.
IBM SPSS Modeler Social Network Analysis User Guide.
A guide to performi ng social network
analysis with SPSS Mo
deler, includ ing group analysis and diffusion analysis.
SPSS Modeler Text Analytics User’s Guide.
Information on using text analytics with SPSS
Modeler, covering the text mining nodes, interactive workbench, templates, and other
resources .
IBM SPSS Modeler Text Analytics Administration Console User Guide.
Information on installi ng
and using the console user inter f ace for monitoring and conguring IBM® SPSS® Modeler
Server for use with SPSS Modeler Text Analytics . The console is implemented as a plug-in
to the Deployme nt Manager application.
Application Examples
While the data mining tools in SPSS Modeler can help solve a wide variety of business and
organizational problems, t
he ap plication examples provide brief, targeted introductions to specic
modeling methods and techniques. The data sets used here are much smaller than the eno r mous
data stores managed by some data miners, but the concepts and methods involved should be
scalable to real - world app
You can access the examples by clicking Application Examples on the Help menu in SPSS
Modeler. The data les and sample streams are installed in the Demos folder under the product
installa tion directory.
For more information , see the topic Demos Folder on p . 6.
Database modeling examples.
See the examples in the IBM SPSS Modeler In-Database Mining
Scripting examples.
See the examples in the IBM SPSS Modeler Scripting and Automation Guide.