IBM 15 Switch User Manual

div function, 138
documentation, 4
domain name (Windows)
IBM SPSS Modeler Server, 13
DTD, 197
enable nodes , 46
encoding, 56, 248
endstring function, 141
Enterprise View node, 185
equals operator, 135
error mes
sages, 65
essential elds, 91, 94
Evaluation node
performance, 234
Applications Guide, 4
overview, 5
execution times, viewing, 67
exponential function, 138
PMML, 196, 198
stream descriptions, 77
n Builder, 240
accessing, 119
nding an d replacing text, 123
overview, 117
using, 119
expressions, 127
f distr
probability functions, 139
factor, 245
Feature Selection node
missing values, 101
@FIELD function, 102, 157
elds, 29, 127, 129
in CLEM expressions, 121
viewing values, 122
@FIELDS_BETWEEN function, 102, 115, 157
@FIELDS_MATCHING fu nction, 102, 115, 157
ller node
values, 102
nding text, 123
rst_index function, 117, 135
rst_non_null function, 117, 135
rst_non_null_ i nd ex function, 117, 135
folders, IBM SPSS Collabo ration and Deployment
Services Repository, 177, 179
fonts, 220
fracof function, 138
functions, 129–130, 133–134, 150
@BLANK, 102
database, 120
, 108
@FIELD, 117, 157
@GLOBAL_M A X , 155
handling missi
ng values, 102
in C LEM expressions, 120
@PREDICTED, 117, 157
@TARGET, 117, 157
user-dened functions (UDFs), 120
generated models palette, 19
global functions, 155
global values
in C LEM expressions, 121
adding to projects, 202
saving output, 89
greater than operator, 135
grouping symbol
number display formats, 56
hasendstring function, 141
hasmidstring function, 141
hasstartstring function, 141
hassubstring function, 141
general usage, 96
host name
IBM SPSS Modeler Server, 13–14
hot keys, 26
HTML output
screen reader, 245
IBM Inf oSphere Warehous e (ISW)
PMML export, 198
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services, 160
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
Enterprise View, 160, 185
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services
Repository, 158, 1 60
g, 162
connecting to, 161–1 62
deleting objects and versions, 178
folders, 177, 179
locking and unlocking objects, 177
object properties, 180
retrieving objects, 172
searching in, 175
single sign-on, 161
storing objects, 164
transferring projects to, 204
IBM SPSS Modeler, 1, 17
ility features, 236
documentat i on, 4
getting started, 12