
Chapter 11
You can enter a summary for your data mining project that will be displayed in the
project repor
Lists the type and number of components r eferenced by the project le (not editable) .
Save unsaved object as.
Species whether unsaved objects should be saved to the local le sy stem,
or stored in th
e repository. For more information, see the topic About the IBM SPSS Collaboration
and Deployment Services Repository in Chapter 9 on p. 158.
Update object references when loading project.
Select this option to update the project’s references
to its compon
ents. Note: The les added to a project are not saved in the project le itself. Rather,
a reference to the les is stored in the project. This means that moving or deleting a le will
remove that object from the project.
Annotating a Project
The project pane provides a number of ways to annotate your data mining efforts. Project-level
annotations are often use d to track “big-pi cture” goals and decisions, while folder or node
annotations provide addition al detail. The Annotations tab provides enough space for you to
docume nt project-level details, such as th e exclusion of data with irretrievable missing data or
promising hypotheses formed during data exploration.
To annotate a project:
E Select the project folder in either CRISP-DM or Classes view.
E Right-click the folder and click Project Properties.
E Click the Annotations tab.