
Chapter 5
Disabling Nodes in a Stream
Process nodes with a single input within streams can be disabl ed, with the result that the node is
ignored during running of the stream. This saves you from having to remove or bypass the node
and m eans you can leave it c onnected to the remaining nodes. You can still open and edit the node
settings; however, any changes will not take effect until you enable the node again.
For example, you mi ght have a stream that lters several elds, and then builds m odels with
the reduced data set. If you want to also build th e same models without elds being ltered, to
see if they improv e the model results, you can disable the Filter node. When you disable the
Filter node, the connections to the modeling nodes pass directly through from the Derive node to
the Type node.
Figure 5-7
Disabled Filter node in a stream
To Disable a Node
E On the s
tream canvas, right-click the node that you want to disabl e.
E Click Disable Node on the pop-up menu.
tively, you can click Node > Disable Node on the Edit menu. When you want to include the
node back in t he stream, click Enable Node in the same way.
Note: You can undo this acti on clicking Undo on the Edit menu or by pressing Ctrl+Z.
You can u
ndo this action clicking Undo on the Edit menu or by pressing Ctrl+Z.
Adding Nodes in Existing Connections
You can add a new node between two connected nodes by dragging the arrow that connects
the two nodes.