Chapter 13
Displaying Sterling Connect:Direct Message
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS generates messages that detail aspects of the Sterling Connect:Direct for
i5/OS operation. Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS routes two types of messages during operations:
Sterling Connect:Direct messages that are routed to the Sterling Connect:Direct log file
Status messages that are routed to a single user ID identified in the Sterling Connect:Direct initialization
parameters file during installation
You can send Sterling Connect:Direct messages to the Sterling Connect:Direct user ID or the QSYSOPR
message queues. You can also use the Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS command Display Sterling
Connect:Direct Message File (DSPCDMSGD) to display the message text for Sterling Connect:Direct
Specifying Recipient of Status Messages
Complete the following steps to specify the user who receives status messages:
1. Access the Change Connect:Direct Parameters (CHGCDPARM) screen by typing CHGCDPARM at
the command line and pressing F4 or by choosing the Change Connect:Direct parameters option from the
main administration menu.
2. Specify the user ID in the User to Receive Sterling Connect:Direct Messages (TOUSR) parameter on the
Change Connect:Direct Parameters (CHGCDPARM) screen and press Enter. This is the user profile
that receives Sterling Connect:Direct status messages.
Refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS Installation and Administration Guide for details on
providing user profile information.
Using the DSPCDMSGD Command
Use the DSPCDMSGD command to display the text associated with a specified Sterling Connect:Direct
message ID.