Sending a Spool File 83
This data can be scanned for string matches. The extended compression window size affects how
much virtual memory the extended compression routines use. Higher window size values use more
memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 8–15, inclusive.
The default value is *INITPARMS.
ECMLEVEL specifies the extended compression memory level parameter, which determines how
much memory should be allocated for other internal data structures like the hash table and the
previous table (pointers to previous strings starting with the same 3 characters). The extended memory
level affects how much memory the extended compression routines use. Higher memory levels use
more virtual memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1–9.
inclusive. The default value is *INITPARMS.
specifies whether the data contains printer control characters. Valid values are:
*NONE indicates that the data does not contain printer control characters.
indicates that the first character of each record contains an ANSI forms-control character.
Any incorrect control characters are ignored, and single spacing is assumed. This parameter should be
used when the source z/OS file is RECFM=xxA, which indicates it contains ANSI carriage control.
*PRTCTL indicates that skip and space-before values are in the first four characters of every record.
These values are useful in high-level language (HLL) programs. Refer to the CPYSPLF command in
the i5/OS CL Reference for more information on these values.
specifies the record length of the local file. The default value *SPLF means: look at the actual spool
file and use its length in this parameter.
specifies the user ID on the local node to receive status messages that are directed to the message
queue of the user.
PLEXCLASS(user-defined class)
specifies a user-defined class containing up to eight characters associated with a Sterling
Connect:Direct/Server in a Sterling Connect:Direct/Plex environment. This represents a type of server
on which you want to run a task, for example TAPE.
identifies the Sterling Connect:Direct Process in any messages or statistics related to the operator. The
name is from 1 to 12 characters long. The first character must be alphabetic. Use this name to identify
the operation in any messages or statistics. The default name is CDSNDSPL.
Note: For TDSN, the values of *LIBL, *CURLIB, QTEMP cannot be used when sending to or
from an i5/OS system using Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS. A specific library name must
be used for copying from or to a data set on the i5/OS.
Note: This parameter is for use only in Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS environments.
Note: Only Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS and Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX support
Process names with more than 8 characters.