Sending a File 31
ECWINSIZE specifies the extended compression window size, which is specifically for the history
buffer that is filled from the user’s input buffer (both compressing and decompressing). The window
specifies the amount of storage designated to maintain data previously read.
This data can be scanned for string matches. The extended compression window size affects how
much virtual memory the extended compression routines use. Higher window size values use more
memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 8–15, inclusive.
The default value is *INITPARMS.
ECMLEVEL specifies the extended compression memory level parameter, which determines how
much memory should be allocated for other internal data structures like the hash table and the
previous table (pointers to previous strings starting with the same 3 characters). The extended memory
level affects how much memory the extended compression routines use. Higher memory levels use
more virtual memory but achieve greater compression. The valid values for this subparameter are 1–9.
inclusive. The default value is *INITPARMS.
EXCLUDE (generic|member-name|(start-range/stop-range)|‘list’)
specifies criteria that identifies the file members that are not to be copied. EXCLUDE allows you to
make exceptions to members specified generically or by range in the SELECT option.
generic specifies a generic member name. For example, if you specify CD*, all member names
beginning with CD are excluded.
member-name specifies an individual member name.
start-range/stop-range specifies first and last names in an alphanumeric range of members.
Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A
slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. The two members
specified, as well as all members in the range, are excluded.
‘list’ specifies any combination of the subparameters.FDISP(current, normal end, abnormal end)
specifies the status of the sending file and what is to be done with the file after notification of
successful or unsuccessful transmission.
current specifies the status of the file. Valid values for this subparameter are:
specifies that the member is read simultaneously by another operation. The default is SHR.
OLD specifies that the operation is to be given exclusive control of the file.
normal end specifies the disposition of the file following a normal operation termination, resulting in
a zero completion code. Valid dispositions are:
specifies that the system is to keep the member after the operation ends.
DELETE specifies that the system is to delete the member after the operation ends.
abnormal end specifies the disposition of the file after an abnormal operation termination, resulting
in a nonzero completion code. Valid source file dispositions are:
specifies that the system is to keep the member after the operation terminates abnormally.
DELETE specifies the system is to delete the member after the operation terminates abnormally.
specifies the user ID on the sending node to receive status messages that are directed to the user’s
message queue.
Note: Currently, normal end disposition and abnormal end disposition are not applicable for
Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS.